Hello! I’m Zeina, a freelance Illustrator and Designer from the Maldives.

Growing up in the Maldives, a lot of my creative inspiration comes from the local tropical greenery, beaches, and beautiful marine wildlife. I’m drawn to magical realism and try to bring across a sense of whimsy in all my paintings. I also enjoy experimenting with colour, and using calming palettes. When I’m not drawing, I enjoy travelling, cooking mindfully, reading, and spending time outdoors.

I hope that my art makes you feel a little bit calmer in your day, and more appreciative of the beauty in the world.

Education: BA (Hons) Architecture, MA Graphic Design & Art Direction. University of Manchester & Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Selected Clients: Penguin Random House, Harper Collins, Hachette Book Group, Sustainable Fisheries and Communities Trust, Coalition for Transparent Tuna Fisheries, Association for Professional Observers, Rainbow Enterprises, ARC Maldives.

Press: Ballpitmag, Dho Magazine, The Edition